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In line with the new requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2012, which recently passed through Parliament, the Government are now consulting on their proposals for their first mandate to the NHS Commissioning Board. The consultation period runs until 26th September 2012. The core purpose of the mandate, and of the NHS Commissioning Board itself, is to help improve people’s health and the outcomes of healthcare. One of the aims of the Government’s reforms is to create more flexibility for NHS services to adapt and evolve to respond to the choices of patients and meet new health challenges.

Sefton Recovery Group Network are hosting a one day event on Friday 21st September 2012 to stretch NHS ambitions and convey the spirit of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). The challenge is to create a WRAP mandate to set a clear sense of direction and challenge to the board, evidencing strong public and patient engagement, a clear clinical evidence base, and consistency with current and prospective need for patient choice.

The plenary address will be given by Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD, the American author of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan. This is Copeland's first visit to the UK in a decade, and delegates will have unprecedented access to her throughout the day.

Following the morning plenary sessions, an un conference procedural framework will consist of sessions proposed and scheduled by delegates on the day. All of the evidence, ideas, recommendations, and discussions will be documented in a report and forwarded to the Department of Health by 26th September 2012.

The event takes place in The Monastery Manchester, Edward Pugin’s architectural masterpiece, which in 1997 had been put on the World Monuments Fund Watch List of 100 Most Endangered Sites in the World, alongside Pompeii, Macchu Picchu, The Valley of the Kings and the Taj Mahal.

Bringing together people of all ages and from all walks of life, both inside and outside of health, social care and public health, the event promises to be fundamental in meeting the challenges and opportunities provided by the Health and Social Care Act. We hope you will be there.

Delegate Fees

Participation in the event is available in several categories:

Statutory Organisations/Private Sector
£150 per person

Voluntary Organisations
£110 per person

Concessionary rate for those people who participated in the National Department of Health Care Services Improvement Partnership Recovery Programme / Mental Health Recovery and WRAP Educator ‘Training the Trainers’ Facilitator Learning Programme
(Please bring your certificate with you on the day)
£100 per person

Individual, Community Group Member, Mutual & Co-operative Societies
£80 per person

A number of sponsored places are also available for people on low income.

To book a place please visit www.seftonrecoverygroup.org.uk/events/registration.html.

Sefton Recovery Group Network

Sefton Recovery Group Network (SRGN) is a network comprising people who have experienced trauma and their families and friends, all of whom practice Wellness Recovery Action Planning.

SRGN publish the anglicised version of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) by Mary Ellen Copeland. Proceeds from the sale of WRAP go towards our work in awakening individuals, organisations and communities to Recovery and WRAP self-management approaches.

Press Enquiries

Tel: 07972 012741
Email: recovemast@aol.com



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